Hydrogen Generators vs Zero Point Energy

So the automotive industry tried hydrogen powered cars but they ran into a few problems.

The reaction that caused hydrogen gas to be split from the water molecule couldn't always be shut off easily in the more affordable applications. And lots of people were concerned about driving what they considered a hydrogen bomb.

So... The hydrogen car became a novelty not a viable reality..

Oh sure, a few people have one but Detroit will never make all hydrogen powered cars.

But Hey!!!  Why aren't we thinking outside the box? I need Power for my home. I don't think it would take a rocket scientist to bolt a Small block motor to a jig in his shed. Give it a over sized oil pan and a huge radiator tank. Then build a hydrogen fuel cell, With a simple float like the fill valve on a toilet, So when the water level gets so low it refills the tank. A PRV (pressure relief valve) That vents extra hydrogen high above the ground (in case the engine stalls or breaks).  Then set the idle at the prime RPM to turn several generators. If I got 6 months of cheep/free electricity out of my engine then its worth putting another one in if it breaks down.  6 months at $200 dollars a month is $1200.00. I can buy a used Engine for $300.

Zero Point Energy Nikola Tesla Secret Generator

The electricity companies might not be happy with this book launch: the Nikola Tesla Secret. This is about a genius person's discoveries about the ability to generate free electricity. Even one of the reviewer of the book stated this is all about the utilities companies has kept away, because it could potentially end their independence.

Well, it's great to have a look at the book and examining whether or not it can give us many great benefits as promised.

The Nikola Tesla Secret shows you how to set up a circuit that can be used to save your pay for electricity. The Tesla generator is able to generate free radiant energy that can be used for many electrical purposes. This system simply cuts your dependence on electricity generated from the companies since there's no need for you to acquire any expensive batteries to store excess electricity.

The easiness in setting up the machine can be another big plus point; you can find all the spare parts in any local electronics store and you will not pay more than $100 to fully build. Isn't it interesting?

The Tesla Secret device does harness energy from the sun, so it will give you an emission-free system which is completely environmentally friendly. The most interesting part of the build is that you can take profit from it. The electrical devices that you are powering up using this device will automatically save you more money. Even the heavy device like refrigerator, plasma TV and clocks can be included into the list of devices powered by the Tesla Device you’ve built.

Nikola Tesla worked intently upon developing his electrical technology in his laboratory in Colorado Springs. His produces remarkable findings , one of them is the high voltages and currents with his electrical devices that sparks fly about the lab while from the antenna thick blue lightning streaks upwards 100 feet into the sky and thunder claps are heard over 15 miles away.

1. TRANSFORMER comprising:
a. Thick Coil of short length and few turns, which acts as the primary in the transmitter and as the secondary in the receiver.
b. Thin Coil of longer length and many turns, which acts as the secondary in the transmitter and as the primary in the receiver. This coil would be 50 miles in length or one fourth the wavelength of a lightwave whose circuit was 185,000 miles long.
ac. Magnetic Core attached to the earth and elevated terminal.

2. POWER SOURCE deriving energy from coal or a waterfall.
4. CONTAINER OF LIQUID AIR (-197°F) which causes "an extraordinary magnification of oscillation in the resonating circuit[s]."

5. ELEVATED TERMINAL or bulbous top for accumulating stored charge. To obtain highest possible frequency, a terminal of small capacity (like a taught spring) and high pressure is employed.
Figure 1. The sending and receiving magnifying transmitters are built essentially the same way. The length and size of the tower and transformer is in a harmonic relationship to the electromagnetic properties of the earth. It has a multipurpose function. Standing k waves generated in resonant relationship to known earth currents could be used as carrier frequencies for transmitting electrical power.
Real scientists have known for centuries that the earth is a giant electromagnet having a North and South magnetic pole. Tesla was using this knowledge to broadcast electricity just like radio and TV waves are broadcast.

You can learn more about Nikola Tesla and his famous, phenomenal findings in his life. The details might be too long to explore here. Thus, you can google it, and get your answer outside.